Mastercard Foundation
SEA Youth Report
Project Location
Project scope
Education Report
Mastercard Foundation engaged Haft2 to develop a youthful and distinctive design for a specialized report, Secondary Education in Africa Youth: Preparing Youth for the Future. The summary of youth perspectives, which was based on discussions between hundreds of young people across Sub-Saharan Africa, highlighted personal experiences and provided insights into secondary education in Africa.

Haft2 recommended the use of illustration to help communicate the youth report. The new look would be beneficial two-fold: It would be a device to introduce a distinctive look, and using a young African illustrator to produce that look would provide a compelling and relevant backstory. To better organize sections in the report, we incorporated bright colours and unique patterns.
The strategic application of the Mastercard Foundation colour palette in the original illustrations helped reinforce the visual brand.
Haft2 also recommended creating unique animated social media posts based on the report illustrations to launch the digital report.

To launch the report, Mastercard Foundation held a virtual summit streamed live on Facebook, bringing together African leaders, education experts, teachers, policymakers, and young people.
Not only was the content of the report well received, youth were especially positive on the visual design and use of illustrations. The animated Instagram posts had some of the highest engagement, while the full report had a large increase in digital downloads.